© Anthony KASCHULA – Walking Guide

Resources & Downloads

Driving Guide Log Book

As a Zimbabwean Guide it is vital that you log and document your progress and be able to present your journey to qualification to your examiners at the Oral interviews and then again at the Proficiency examination. Take pride in your journey, this qualification is amongst one of the toughest examinations in Africa.

L.P.H. Shooting Proficiency

There is no substitute for practice! The L.P.H. Shooting Proficiency is a vital component in our curriculum and the standards have been set high for obvious reasons.

Please do not pitch up and expect to just pass, you need to practice, practice and practice some more. You will be examined as though you are in the field, meaning this examination is a simulation of how you would be walking in the field.

FirearmS & FireArm safety

Every firearm owner should understand and follow firearm safety practices, have a basic familiarity with the operation and handling of their firearm, and be fully aware of the responsibility of firearm ownership. Please read though our safety guide and ensure you are safe at all times.

Why join the Z.P.G.A.?

Individuals with an affiliation to the Z.P.G.A. are automatically synonymous with the toughest guiding standards and – more importantly – principles in Africa.